Welcome to Angel Message Ministries!! A ministry and web site dedicated to the declaration of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and America's Godly heritage.

What's New!

In 1823, as part of his experience with the angel Moroni, Joseph Smith was warned that his name would become known for good and evil among all nations. That prophecy has surely been fulfilled. Skeptics ridicule Joseph Smith and the church he established, while many millions of believers receive the testimony of Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel.

In recent years, a few evangelical critics have focused considerable attention on the RLDS Church and the Restoration Branch movement. We feel a response to these criticisms is in order, because as believers in Christ we are asked to respectfully provide a reason for the hope that is in us. In this spirit, the Committee for Apologetics Research and Education (CARE) is pleased to offer a number of brief responses to affirm that faith once delivered to the saints.

We are the recipients of a marvelous gospel. It is our hope that this writing will richly bless you and strengthen your faith.

Couched in the notion of ministry to the underprivileged, "marginalized," citizens of Latin America are the anti-capitalist writings of a Peruvian Jesuit, Father Gustavo Gutierrez. His Marxist based thoughts and writings eventually lead to the Sandinista uprising in Nicaragua and have contributed to the anti-capitalist, anti-American sentiments still extant in numerous organizations in Central and South America today. Gutierrez's new praxis is known as "Liberation Theology." In Bob Moore's latest book, The Road to Liberation, read how Liberation Theology and its "base communities" has impacted the Reorganization and provided a basis for the transformation of the Reorganized Church into the Community of Christ. E-mail your request for a copy today by clicking on the picture of the book at the left.

Angel Message News

Neil Simmons Experience
April 24, 2005
Book Reviews now available ...
Editor - October 30, 2002
Angel Message Goes Online !!
Editor - July 26, 2002

Recent Articles

The Keystone
Issue #10 - April 2003
The Old Jerusalem Gospel
A must read -- Joseph Luff's Sermons online !
Branches, Conferences, and Districts
Patrick's Perspective - Issue #9 - November 2002
Women in the Early Christian Church
Did women hold priesthood in the early Christian Church? Read this scholarly work by Bob Moore and discover the answer!
Inspiring poem written by Chuck Perry.
Where Are You Now?
Inspiring poem written by Chuck Perry.

I have found the glorious gospel that was taught in former years,
With its gifts and blessings all so full and free;
And my soul is thrilled with gladness, and banished are my fears,
Since the precious angel message came to me.

Then praise the Lord, O my soul!
Abundant mercy, oh, how free!
In joyful song my spirit doth accord,
Since the precious angel message came to me.

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